Why Irvington Elementary?
Irvington school is a close knit community dedicated to the success of all students and families. At Irvington we benefit from small class sizes and a talented, experienced staff. Students at Irvington have access to art, music, P.E. and library. In addition to these specials the Irvington PTA funds exciting enrichment opportunities such as African drumming and dance for all students. A wide variety of afterschool programming is offered at Irvington with scholarships for students who qualify.
Irvington school has lots of fun and exciting opportunities to build community. From our Back to School BBQ, to our Fall Festival and our springtime Spaghetti Dinner, Irvington enjoys many PTA sponsored community events. Family gym nights, Movie nights and Free Popcorn Mondays are offered throughout the year.
Please take a look and explore all the wonderful events Irvington has to offer.

Staffing Support |
$55,000 |
- Funds for Additional 2024-25 Staffing, as dictated by the Principal
Student and Family School Expenses |
$47,634 |
- School and Classroom Supplies
- Library Books and Supplies
- Field Trips
- Shirts for New Students and Staff
- Yearbooks
Academic Support |
$19,495 |
- Literacy Tutoring through Ignite Reading
- Software & Technology
Student Enrichment |
$27,503 |
- After School Class Scholarships
- Music & Dance Enrichment – African Drumming
- Black History Celebration
- Culturally Responsive Events – Taiko Drumming and Imago Planetarium
- STEAM Activities – OMSI Science Fair and Mobile Planetarium
Community Building |
$9,026 |
- Student/Family Activities like Movie Nights, Family Gym Nights, & Popcorn Mondays
- Bigger events like Back to School Kickoff, Fall Festival and Spaghetti Dinner
- 5th Grade Promotion Celebration
- Safety Patrol Expenses and Reward Field Trip
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion(DEI), Neurodiversity Inclusion
- Green Team
- Childcare, Food and Supplies for PTA and Families of Students of Color Meetings
Kid Camp |
$1,041 |
- Provided emergency childcare for Irvington School families during teacher strike
- 61 students participated; 20% were scholarship students
- 75% of costs covered by tuition payments
Misc. Expenditures |
$13,868 |
- Grounds & Garden – includes new mower and message board
- Staff Appreciation
- School Promotion and Outreach
- PTA Clothing Center Contribution
- Administration Expenses
*Some dollar totals are based on budgeted totals and not actual because PTA activities are still in progress.
For questions email ptatreas@irvingtonschool.com